Can’t spare a dime The Senate denied a request from the Women’s Resource Center for funding of a chemical free dance scheduled for the holiday season. The Senate suggested that food be donated by local businesses, since the dance is to raise funds for area domestic abuse shelters. Senate Treasurer Justin LaBerge said, “our budget…
Author: USM
Meet Joe Student
Name? Peet Chamberlain. Age? Twenty-one. Year and major? Senior, media studies. How long have you been interested in media studies? Two-and-a-half years. What’s your favorite aspect of the major? Writing, especially fiction. What do you eventually want to do? Become a rock-and-roll star. What instruments do you play? Piano, guitar, bass guitar, some bassoon. How…
USM Police Logs
Sunday, Oct.28 Michael Densmore, 32 of Buxton, was arrested at 2:15 a.m. on University Way for operating under the influence. Densmore is due in court Nov. 29. Monday, Oct.29 For his alleged involvement in the theft of The Free Press newspapers, Anthony Pergola was issued a summons and charged with theft. Pergola will appear in…
Raising awareness on campus
Every three minutes, a woman in the United States is diagnosed with breast cancer. This year, 43,000 will die from the disease. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and last week the Women’s Resource Center, in conjunction with other organizations, held a series of informational events, kicked off on Saturday with a well-attended event at…
Field hockey team ends season in semifinals
PLYMOUTH, N.H. – Worcester State withstood a determined rally by Southern Maine, to post a 1-0 upset win in the semifinals of the Little East Tournament last Friday afternoon at Plymouth State College. Worcester scored its lone goal at the 29:13 mark and held the Huskies scoreless for the rest of the game. The second-seeded…
Testicular Exams Testicular self-exam is a screening test used to look for abnormal growths on the testicles. Testicular cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in young men between ages 15 and 34, and between 500 to 1,000 men die of this disease yearly in the United States. Because it is highly curable…
Aries (March 21-April 20) Financial mistakes may reappear early this week. Watch for records, contracts or schedules to require revised plans. Errors in funding applications, governmental reports or investment information may be especially bothersome. React with confidence; this is the right time to take control of career or money decisions. Late Friday, a close friend…
Meet Joe Student
Name? Minal Patel How old are you? Twenty-three. What’s your major? E.S.P. – environmental science and policy. How long have you been interested in the environment? All my life. It’s never been something that just struck halfway through high school. How is the program here? It’s interesting so far, but then I’m only taking one…
I walked through the beaded curtain that hung in front of the entrance and discovered the gaudiest dining room I had ever seen. I loved it immediately. Underneath all the bright patterns, lights, and decorations was what looked like a ’50s style diner. Laminated metal tables and chairs filled the dining room and the soda…
A dream for Poets
Pulitzer Prize, MacArthur Fellowship, Boylston professorship. Jorie Graham has won most of the awards available to poets and has built a reputation as one of the most challenging and talented poets writing today. On Friday, Nov. 2, she will be visiting the Portland campus’ Luther Bonney Auditorium to present her work. Ken Rosen, a professor…
Rocking like it’s 1991
They say that smells are the most potent memory triggers, but it seems that sound sometimes works better. There’s nothing like listening to Top 40 songs from your younger years to bring the angst flooding back, for instance. You might expect Boston rock outfit Cheerleadr’s 1999 release “Rock Album” to take you back a couple…
Monday Tell me where have all the good times gone. Ray Davies, former front man of classic rock group The Kinks performs solo. The State Theatre, 609 Congress Street, Portland. $22.50/$27.50 reserved seating. For tickets, call 775-3331. Tuesday Write your angry letter to the Free Press Wednesday Go retro. “’60s-’80s” theme Halloween bash. Groove in…
The Halloween Sky
Celestial highlights for the week of Oct. 29 – Nov. 3 Oct. 29: Mercury is at its greatest elongation from the Sun (18.6 degrees from the Sun). Mercury is always difficult to observe, even when it is at this greatest elongation angle. You can use the brilliant planet Venus to assist you in your efforts…
Messy students, dirty dorms part 2 The article “Messy students, dirty dorms,” published last week has caused a stir on the Gorham campus. On Thursday morning the Towers custodial staff was called into a meeting to discuss the Towers’ uncleanliness. The Department of Facilities Management has instructed custodians to focus more on the public areas…
Rock the vote
To the Editor: On Nov. 6, residents across the State of Maine will take to the polls to vote on a number of different bond issues. One of these issues is Question #6, a $36.7 million bond to support higher education across the state, of which USM is earmarked to receive the highest amount, $8…
Contest offers students a chance at $10,000
The hefty sum can be won in a business competition sponsored by USM’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business. The Student Business Plan Competition is designed to promote the entrepreneurial spirit and recognize small business ideas at USM. Applicants must form teams, submit a business plan and present that plan. Only one team will win…
New laws target underage drinkers, fake IDs
On Oct. 21 USM Police requested a rescue unit for an intoxicated juvenile who was vomiting. When police arrived at the room where the drinking allegedly took place, they confiscated an empty bottle of Bicardi Rum Limon. Police are investigating the case for possible charges of furnishing alcohol to a minor. A newer, tougher drinking…
To the Editor:
I find it funny that on the back page of this week’s The Free Press you discuss how cheerleaders are trying to fight the stereotypes that they have been stuck with, yet inside you help reinforce the stereotypes of the Greek community here at USM. If you meant to flare up emotions with the responses…
Question unfair
To the Editor: This is in regards to the Question of the Week segment in The Free Press that was issued Oct. 22, 2001. Let me start off by saying that I was completely thrown off by the statements made by some of the USM students. In response to the question: Are you Greek? We…
Hello again
To the Editor: I just finished reading The Free Press online and have to tell you that you have done great things with this publication. As an alumnus executive editor (1989-1991) I never thought I would see such a professional paper, and moreover, I never thought that I would see the paper online looking so…
Letter from the President
To the Editor: Recently, I learned that some disgruntled members of our community may have removed copies of The Free Press from distribution sites on campus. The Free Press has reported this to both USM Police and to me. I have encouraged them to submit a report to USM’s conduct officer so that we may…
What’s so bad about Stereotypes?
Everybody’s bitching about stereotypes these days, and with good cause. There are plenty of them out there. Frat boys funnel beer and have unprotected drunken sex. Sorority sisters are air-headed bimbos. Football players are stupid. Gay guys have limp wrists. Lesbians wear flannel. Computer science majors like Internet porn. Stereotypes have always existed and probably…
All’s fair in The Free Press
In three years as a journalist I’ve never had an angry reader come to the office to complain. Last Tuesday there were 12. Some were calm. Most were not. All were members of USM’s Greek community. They were upset about last week’s “Question of the Week,” which featured the question, “Are you a Greek fraternity/sorority…
Alleged rape victim can now sue UMS
Reversing a lower court’s ruling, the State Supreme Court decided to allow an alleged rape victim to sue the University of Maine System. The woman is seeking at least $1 million, claiming UMS was negligent in her alleged rape in the summer of 1997 when the then 17-year-old was staying on USM’s Gorham campus for…