Amid the cold cement floors, stone pillars and orange extension cords of the Glickman Family Library’s unfinished fifth floor stood hundreds of supporters gathered to support USM’s president. The celebration marked Richard Pattenaude’s tenth anniversary in that position.
Author: USM
Lecture by author, poet, activist and journalist John Ross entitled “Killing Hope-Mexico Rejects Indian Rights Law,” detailing the conflict between the Zapatista movement and the Mexican government. 7-8:30 p.m. Woodbury Campus Center rooms A, B, C.
USM and the gay community gain in acquisition of the Peabody Papers
Last summer, Maine’s leading AIDS activist and exemplary member of the Portland community, Frances Peabody, passed away. Members of her estate recently donated a large number of her files to USM and the Glickman Library. The collection includes hand-written journals on her activities, photographs, and a collection of VHS movies.
Renaissance woman
It’s not the fact that she drives a fire-engine red 2000 Kawasaki Ninja 600 that makes her well known on campus, although it probably helps.
Marcy Muller is a senior sociology major. She is the Chair of the Student Senate, member of the Gorham Events Board, a representative to the Board of Trustees, captain of the volleyball team and has done Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field.
Registration Game
We’ve all had the phone call from our respective mothers, fathers or someone else with supervising status. Have you registered for classes yet? Why not? When are you going to?
Surely these motivating phone calls will move many students to register for classes on time.
Newspaper case still under review
The USM Office of Community Standards is still reviewing the actions of Anthony Pergola, Cyrus Dulac, and Jonathan McCorkill in order to determine whether or not conduct charges should be brought against them for taking over a thousand copies of The Free Press.
Planning Board forces USM to address parking
A decision by the Portland Planning Board will force the University to take serious steps in building a parking garage, perhaps sooner than it planned.
Last week the board voted to approve the University’s plan for a two-story $10 million bio-science facility on the Portland campus, but with a major stipulation.
Do part-time professors add up to a complete education ?
Increases in the number of part-time instructors at the University of Southern Maine are causing concerns and raising complaints.
“I’m concerned for the quality of education at the University,” said Briggs Seekins, a part-time English instructor. “It’s a scandal the way the administration treats the status of part-time workers.
Money up for Grabs
To The Editor:
As you probably know, the University awards a number of scholarships which are presented each year at Recognition Day to commend outstanding achievement by our students. In order to be considered for scholarships, students must apply in advance (or be nominated by faculty members).
Get to know Greek
To the Editor,
I was informed of the alleged theft of The Free Press through several of the students still attending school there. I agree, it was unfortunate. Perhaps it was a misunderstanding, perhaps not. The DA felt there was not enough evidence to pursue the case, but this does not prove their innocence, or their guilt.
Personal responsibility important
To the Editor:
Last week’s editorial by Mr. Peoples regarding the actions of Mr. Pergola and his minions addressed an age-old assumption, ‘if I wasn’t convicted, I must be innocent’.
We have all witnessed technicalities being implemented to avoid conviction in our legal system, which in no way render true guilt null.
Press should be fair
Letter to the Editor,
In response to your editorial, The games go on, I find it amusing that you portray yourself as the advocate of free speech on behalf of the USM student body. The reality is, when you allowed an article in your publication to be printed that misrepresented the large group of students in the Greek community, you were actually guilty of restriction of free speech by polling students who weren’t remotely associated with Greek life.
Enough Already
I am sick of the story about The Free Press thefts. This has been three weeks now, and honestly I do not care anymore.
The papers were stolen, at first I thought it was a big deal, now it’s like laddi-freaking-da, the papers were stolen. People made bad decisions, let’s move on with our lives.
Where do you see USM in 10 years?
“Absolutely no parking whatsoever. I seriously see space as a big issue because we’re getting bigger.”
Melissa Jones, nursing, junior
“I think it will have a lot more developed programs.”
Jesse Wertheim, early studies program
“I think we’ll see a lot of older students as we go along.
USM Police Logs
Sunday, Nov.11
18 year old Timothy McLaughlin of Woodward Hall was summonsed to court for possession of marijuana.
Wednesday, Nov.14
Hate-oriented messages against a student were reported. The USM police department, which does not tolerate racist crimes, is currently investigating the situation.
Meet Joe Student
Tim Normand
Year and major?
I’m a senior and my major is in business administration.
How long have you been in school?
This is my fifth year, I’ll be graduating in May.
Is USM the only school you’ve attended?
No, I went to Fort Lewis College in Colorado and UVM in Burlington.
The moon was full on November 30th and will reach the third quarter point on December 5th. This week, the moon passes through the waning gibbous phase.
Where the planets are…
MERCURY has vanished within the morning twilight.
VENUS, the brightest planet, can still be seen low in the morning sky.
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Recently postponed projects will move forward. Before midweek, watch for fellow workers to silently perform duties and seriously focus on clarifying yesterday’s mistakes. Don’t look back; this is a strong time for initiating joint ventures and creating better working partnerships.
Guest Column
I find stereotypes intriguing. I am particularly interested in the popular negative stereotype of stereotypes. We were all taught in elementary school not to judge people by stereotypes. Yet we need stereotypes to organize our world. We need categories to help us understand who we are in relation to others, and to what groups we do and don’t belong.
Leaps and bounds
There were 11 of us in the small room. We sat at opposite ends of two tables in semi-awkward silence. It didn’t look good.
I had been a little nervous all day. Not really knowing what to expect from the first official meeting between The Free Press and Greek leaders.
Eat it ….weekly restaurant review
Raw fish usually doesn’t tempt me, but I was drawn into Fuji on Exchange Street last Friday night by their weekend special: DJ sushi. A growing trend in the Portland sushi scene, this dance-club-style dining combines pounding music and nightclub lighting to attract timid sushi eaters like myself. Fuji’s version included a spinning disco ball…
Musical “Meanings of Home”
In a year when tensions in the Middle East have literally exploded both here in the United States and in the troubled region itself, the USM Chorale and Orchestra are teaming up to present what may turn out to be one of the most relevant and timely convocation presentations this year. The groups will be…
Question of the week
This question is kind of a double-edged sword. I guess [Thanksgiving] ignores the fact that the country was founded on the genocide of Indians. Martin Manning, communication and media studies, sophomore Travelling and leftovers. Andy Love, business, freshman I really can’t think of anything I don’t like. I enjoy all the holidays because it’s a…
Flu shots arrive The University’s allotment of flu shots has arrived. Those interested can get the vaccine on either the Gorham or Portland campus at University Health Services. According to Nurse Practitioner Carri Nix Kivela, people at high risk of complications from the flu should get the vaccine. People with asthma and diabetes are at…